Saturday, April 13, 2013

Calorimetry - Standard Heats of Formation

Calorimetry is an experimental method in which the heat of a reaction (the system) is determined by measuring temperature changes in the surroundings.  In the lab, heat changes in physical and chemical processes are measured with a calorimeter (a closed container designed specifically for these measurements).  The basics of calorimetry lie with specific heat and heat capacity, so let's examine them first.

Specific Heat and Heat Capacity
The specific heat (s) of a substance is the amount of heat (q) required to raise the temperature of one gram of that substance by one degree Celsius.  It has the units J/g  C

The heat capacity (C) of a substance is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a given quantity (m) of the substance by one degree Celsius. It has the units J/C

Specific heat is an intensive property, where as heat capacity is an extensive property.  The relationship between them is C = ms (s = specific heat of water [4.184 J/gC]; m = mass in grams; C = heat capacity).  Knowing the change in the sample's temperature will tell us the amount of heat (q) that has been gained or lost in the process.  The equations we use to calculate heat change are:

  1. q = (m)(s)(Δt)
  2. q = (C)(Δt)
Let's look at an example problem:

Constant-Volume Calorimetry
Heat of combustion is usually measured in a steel container called a constant-volume bomb calorimeter.  Because of the way it's built, we can assume that no heat (or mass) is lost to the surroundings during the time it takes to make the measurements.  Therefore we can call the bomb and the water surrounding it an isolated system.  To calculate qcal we need to know the heat capacity of the calorimeter (Ccal) and the temperature rise, that is,  qcal = Ccal Δt
Constant-Pressure Calorimetry
A simpler device is the constant-pressure calorimeter, which is used to determine the heat-changes for noncombustion reactions.  It can be made from something as crude as two styrofoam cups.  This device measures the heat effects of a variety of reactions, such as acid-base neutralization.  Because the pressure is constant, the heat change for the process (qrxn) is equal to the enthalpy change (ΔH) so we treat this calorimeter as an isolated system.
Let's do another example.  This one separates the B's from the C's.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Types of Problems Likely to Be On the Exam! Chapter 6

6.1 The Nature of Energy and Types of Energy
6.2 Energy Changes in Chemical Reactions

Cold packs, whose temperatures are lowered when ammonium nitrate dissolves in water, are carried by athletic trainers when transporting ice is not possible. Which of the following is true of this reaction?
(1) ΔH > 0, process is exothermic
(2) ΔH = 0, since cold packs are sealed
(3) ΔH < 0, process is exothermic
(4) ΔH < 0, process is endothermic
(5) ΔH > 0, process is endothermic

6.3 Introduction to Thermodynamics

Calculate q when 28.6 g of water is heated from 22.0°C to 78.3°C.
(1) 9.37 kJ
(2) 1.61 × 103kJ
(3) 0.385 kJ
(4) 1.61 kJ
(5) 6.74 kJ

6.4 Enthalpy of Chemical Reactions

Galena is the ore from which elemental lead is extracted. In the first step of the extraction process, galena is heated in air to form lead(II) oxide.
2PbS(s) + 3O2(g) → 2PbO(s) + 2SO2(g) ΔH = -827.4 kJ
What mass of galena is converted to lead oxide if 975 kJ of heat are liberated?
(1) 282 g
(2) 406 g
(3) 564 g
(4) 478 g
(5) 203 g

6.2: 5
6.3: 5
6.4: 3

Monday, March 18, 2013

Enthalpy, Thermochemical Equations, and Combustion

Enthalpy and the First Law of Thermodynamics

  • ΔU = q + w
  • At constant pressure
    • q = ΔH and W = -PΔV
    • or ΔU = ΔH -PΔV (enthalpy change for a process at constant pressure)
  • Enthalpy (H) is used to quantify heat flow into or out of a system in a process that occurs at constant pressure
    • ΔH = H (products) - H (reactants)
    • ΔH = heat given off or absorbed by the system at constant pressure

Thermochemical Equations
  • The stoichiometric coefficients always refer to the number of moles of a substance
  • If you reverse a reaction, the sign of ΔH changes
  • If you mulitply both sides of an equation by some constant factor (m), then ΔH must be multiplied by that same factor (m)

  • The physical states of all reactants and products must be specified in thermochemical equations

Energy, Open-Closed Systems, Endo-Exothermic, State Functions, & Work

Energy is the capacity to do work

  • Radiant Energy comes from the sun and is the main source of energy on earth
  • Thermal Energy is the energy associated with the random motions of atoms and molecules
  • Chemical Energy is the energy that is stored in the chemical bonds of substances
  • Nuclear Energy is the energy stored within the neutrons and protons in the nucleus of the atom
  • Potential Energy is the energy available by virtue of an object's position 
Energy Changes in Chemical Reactions
  • Heat is the transfer of thermal energy between  two bodies that are at different temperatures
  • Temperature is a measure of the thermal energy
  • Temperature DOES NOT equal thermal energy.

Open-Closed Systems 

  • Thermochemistry is the study of heat change in chemical reactions
  • The system is the specific part of the universe that is of interest in a particular study (the universe is "everything else".)
    • Open system = allows the exchange of both energy and mass with surroundings
    • Closed system = allows the exchange of but not mass
    • Isolated system = allows neither energy nor mass to be exchanged (such as putting something in a vacuum jacket)
Endo-Exothermic Systems
  • Exothermic process is any process that gives off heat (transfers thermal energy) from the system to the surroundings
2H2 (g) + O2 (g) => 2H2O (l) + ENERGY
H2O (s) => H2O (l) + ENERGY
  • Endothermic process is any process in which heat has to be supplied to the system from the surroundings
ENERGY + 2HgO (s) => 2Hg (l) + O2 (g)
ENERGY + H2O (l) => H2O (g)

State Functions
  • Thermodynamics is the scientific study of the interconversion of heat and other kinds of energy
  • State functions are thermodynamic properties that are determined by the state of the system (at any time) regardless of how that condition was achieved 
    • Energy, pressure, volume, temperature
  • First law of thermodynamics - energy can be converted from one form to another, but cannot be created of destroyed

  • ΔU = q + w
    • ΔU is the change of the internal energy of the system
    • q is the heat exchange between the system and the surroundings
    • w is the work done on, or by, the system
    • W = -PΔV is when a gas expands against a constant external pressure

  • Work done by the system on the surroundings
    • w = F x d
      • W = -PΔV
      • PV = F/d*2 x d*3 = F x d = w
    • Work is NOT a state function!!
    • ΔV = V (final) - V (initial)

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Types of Problems Likely to be on the Exam! - Chapter 10

10.1 Molecular Geometry

Give the number of lone pairs around the central atom and the molecular geometry of NH4+.
1) 0 lone pairs, tetrahedral
2) 1 lone pair, trigonal bipyramidal
3) 1 lone pair, seesaw
4) 2 lone pairs, T-shaped
5) 3 lone pairs, trigonal bipyramidal

Give the number of lone pairs around the central atom and the molecular geometry of the tri-iodide ion, I3-.
1) 0 lone pairs, trigonal planar
2) 1 lone pair, tetrahedral
3) 1 lone pair, trigonal pyramidal
4) 2 lone pairs, seesaw
5) 3 lone pairs, linear

According to VSEPR theory, which of the following species should have a tetrahedral molecular geometry?
1) H2O
2) NH3
3) AlF3
4) CCl4
5) CH2O

Which pair of molecules has the same molecular geometry?
1) CCl4 and NH3
2) H2O and SO2
3) NO3 and H2O
4) CO2 and CCl4
5) SO2 and NH3

According to the VSEPR theory, if the central atom has three bonded atoms and one lone pair,
the geometry (shape) at this atom will be ______________________.
1) linear
2) bent (angular)
3) trigonal planar
4) trigonal pyramidal
5) tetrahedral

Which of the following substance is/are planar?
(i) SO3 (ii) SO32- (iii) NO3- (iv) PF3 (v) BF3
1) only (i) and (ii)
2) only (i), (iii), and (v)
3) only (iv)
4) all are planar except (iv)
5) all are planar except (ii)

According to the VSEPR theory, the actual F-As-F bond angles in the AsF4- ion are predicted to be
1) 109.5°.
2) 90° and 120°.
3) 180°.
4) < 109.5°.
5) < 90° and < 120°.

Predict the geometry around the central atom in SO42-.
1) trigonal planar
2) trigonal pyramidal
3) tetrahedral
4) trigonal bipyramidal
5) octahedral

List the following molecules in order of increasing bond angle (smallest to largest):
NH3, BF3, ClNO, CF4
1) NH3, BF3, ClNO, CF4
2) ClNO, BF3, NH3, CF4
3) ClNO, CF4, NH3, BF3
4) CF4, NH3, BF3, ClNO
5) NH3, CF4, ClNO, BF3

Give the number of lone pairs around the central atom and the molecular geometry of SCl2.
1) 0 lone pairs, linear
2) 1 lone pair, bent
3) 2 lone pairs, bent
4) 3 lone pairs, bent
5) 3 lone pairs, linear

Give the number of lone pairs around the central atom and the geometry of the ion NO2–.
1) 0 lone pairs, linear
2) 1 lone pair, bent
3) 2 lone pair, bent
4) 3 lone pairs, bent
5) 3 lone pairs, linear

According to the VSEPR theory, which one of the following species should be linear?
1) H2S
2) HCN
3) BF3
4) H2CO
5) SO2

The C–N–O bond angle in nitromethane, CH3
NO2, is expected to be approximately
1) 60°
2) 90°
3) 109.5°
4) 120°
5) 180°

Which of the following molecules have the same geometries?
1) SF4 and CH4
2) CO2 and H2O
3) CO2 and BeH2
4) N2O and NO2 (NNO and ONO, respectively)

According to the VSEPR theory, the molecular shape of the carbonate ion, CO32-, is
1) square planar.
2) tetrahedral.
3) pyramidal.
4) trigonal planar.
5) octahedral.

According to VSEPR theory, which one of the following molecules should have a bent shape?
1. Cl2O
2. CO2
3. HCN
4. CCl4
5. none of them

10.2 Dipole Moments

Which one of the following molecules is nonpolar?
1) NH3
2) OF2
3) CH3Cl
4) H2O
5) BeCl2

Which of the following species has the largest dipole moment (i.e., is the most polar)?
1) CH4
2) CH3Br
3) CH2Br2
4) CHBr3
5) CBr4

10.4 Hybridization of Atomic Orbitals

Indicate the type of hybrid orbitals used by the C atom indicated by the arrow in the molecule below.

1) sp
2) sp2
3) sp3
4) sp3d
5) sp3d2

In which one of the following molecules is the central atom sp2 hybridized?
1. SO2
2. N2O
3. BeCl2
4. NF3
5. PF5

What is the hybridization of the central atom in ClO3-?
1. sp
2. sp2
3. sp3
4. sp3d
5. sp3d2

10.5  Hybridization in Molecules Containing Double and Triple Bonds

The number of pi bonds in this molecule is:

1) 2
2) 3
3) 4
4) 5
5) 6

The skeleton for methyl formate (C2H4O2) is given below.  Complete the following statement: Methyl formate has ______ pi bond(s); carbon #1 has _____ hybridization, while carbon #2 has _______ hybridization.
1) 1, sp2, sp3
2) 1, sp3, sp2
3) 3, sp2, sp3
4) 2, sp, sp3
5) 2, sp2, sp3

The number of pi bonds in the molecule below is
1) 2
2) 4
3) 6
4) 10
5) 15

Indicate the type of hybrid orbitals used by the central atom in CCl4.

1) sp
2) sp2
3) sp3
4) sp3d
5) sp3d2

The number of pi bonds in the molecule below is
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 5.
5. 9.

10.1: 1, 5, 4, 2, 4, 2, 5, 3, 5, 3, 2, 2, 4, 3, 4, 1
10.2: 5, 4
10.4: 1, 1, 3
10.5: 5, 1, 2, 3, 3

Valence Bond Theory and Hybridization

Red = High Density
Valence bond theory

So, what is valence bond theory?  It's when bonds formed by sharing electrons form overlapping atomic orbitals.  As you bring bonded atoms closer and closer together you build up greater electron densities.

Hybridization - mixing of two or more atomic orbitals to form a new set of hybrid orbitals.  This is the bed-time level version, my professor says.  How does this work?

1.) Mix at least 2 nonequivalent atomic orbitals (e.g. s and p).  Hybrid orbitals have very different shape from original atomic orbitals.
2.) Number of hybrid orbitals is equal to number of pure atomic orbitals used in the hybridization process.
3.) Covalent bonds are formed by:
      a. Overlap of hybrid orbitals with other atomic orbitals
      b. Overlap of hybrid orbitals with other hybrid orbitals

Some of these bonds look different.  What are they each called?  A Sigma bond occurs between the two atoms.  A Pi bond appears above and below the plane of nuclei of the bonding atoms.  Single, double, and triple bonds have varying amounts of sigma and pi bonds:

- A single bond has 1 sigma bond.
- A double bond has 1 sigma bond and 1 pi bond.
- A triple bond has 1 sigma bond and 2 pi bonds.

As you can tell, each bond has 1 sigma bond and the pi bond is equal to the type of bond minus 1.  Ergo a triple bond (3 - 1) has 2 pi bonds.

So, how do I predict the hybridization of the central atom?

1.) Draw the Lewis structure of the molecule.
2.) Count the number of lone pairs AND the number of atoms bonded to the central atom.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Dipole Moments, Polar Molecules, Valence Bond Theory

Dipole Moments and Polar Molecules

Dipole moment = the product of the charge, Q, and the distance, r, between the charges:  Table 10.3 lists the dipole moments of several molecules.

Diatomic molecules containing atoms of different elements have dipole moments and are called polar molecules.  Examples include: HCl, CO, and NO.

Diatomic molecules containing atoms of the same element are examples of non-polar molecules because they do not have dipole moments.  For example: H2, O2, and F2.

For a molecule made up of three or more atoms both the polarity of the bonds and the molecular geometry determine whether there is a dipole moment.  Example is CO2 which can be either linear or bent.